NTA is a group of patriotic Americans, deeply concerned for the well-being of the country we love, the (exceptional!) United States of America!
Anti-American groups have organized and mobilized for the purpose of destroying America by promoting anarchy and chaos. We now have elected officials who ignore the rule of law and support thugs that are all too happy to break it.
We seek to expose the tactics of Occupy, domestic terrorists, and other groups that work to undermine the essence of America and who mean harm to our American way of life.
We maintain a databank of video, document, and audio files that are used as evidence and educational tools aiding in enlightening concerned citizens and law enforcement.
We wholeheartedly stand proudly behind law enforcement, recognizing that many anti-American groups wish to dismantle the tradition of community policing. A lawless society is not a civil society. Unshackle the police and allow them to do their jobs!
We are a country based on law, individual accountability and mutual respect. It is our desire to come up with common sense solutions to the problems we are facing, because we refuse to stand by and watch the US disintegrate at the hands of anarchists.
We encourage civil, robust discussion, but do not tolerate racism toward any ethnic group, nor do we tolerate hate speech toward anyone.
God Bless America!